

Knitting Like Crazy Disclosure Policy

The Knitting Like Crazy Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from 21 February 2010

Book and Product Reviews:

One thing that I like to do on this blog is book/product reviews for fiber related items (this includes knitting, crochet, spinning and general fiber related items). Some of these products I receive are review copies/items from companies. While I am not compensated in cash or any other way for these reviews, I do keep the free products that are sent to me (and occasionally use them as blog giveaways). That being said, the fact that I have been sent review material of something does not mean that I will give it a good review. I take a lot of time to read, study and review the materials I receive and work hard to make sure that I convey my honest opinion about these items. 

Also, on some occasions, I will receive an item and choose not to review it. I will notify the company it came from to let them know that I will not be reviewing the item, and will return it (at my expense) if they so ask. 

Going forward from the date above, I will be noting in my review if I received the item from a company as a review copy. If I have not noted it in the review, it can be assumed that I personally acquired the item. 

Podcast Reviews:
Podcast reviews are my own personal opinion. I have not received any item for free in order to provide these reviews nor have I been compensated in cash for the review. If a podcaster asks me to do a review of their podcast, I will do so. However, I will be giving my personal opinion about the podcast. This means that I will not give a podcast a good review just because the person asked me to do it.

I use affiliate links for the following websites. This means that I would receive a small percentage from any sales generated from these links.
 Any links to The Loopy Ewe online yarn store link back to my Loopy Ewe account. I do take advantage of their referral policy where any new customer sales that link back to my blog I will receive a $5.00 store credit. 

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact me at jenATknittinglikecrazyDOTcom.

Created 02.21.2010
Updated 08.12.2016