Anyway, I have been doing my best to set aside knitting time. And, it's working. Things are getting finished. First, I have this little purse:
Here are the specs:
The Pattern: I don't know, I made it up. I did some seed stitch, then some stockinette, then some seed stitch, etc, until I could fold into a purse-like shape. Then I knit a strap and attached it, threw some lining in it and some buttons on it and called it a day.
The Yarn: Patons Shetland Chunky Tweed, one ball
The Needles: Size 9
The Result: A fine Christmas/birthday gift for my coworker.
Then I finished my Lacy Socks, Part II:
The Pattern: Toe up, modified stitch pattern from stitch dictionary. I swear, one day I will finish writing up the pattern. It's getting there.
The Yarn: Koigu KPPPM, that I bought at Mosaic earlier this year
The Needles: Size 2, my standard sock knitting needles
The Results: Pretty good. I love these socks, but the foot is slightly long for me. Next time I would start the gusset/heel parts a little sooner.
That's all for the FOs for the last week. I have been working on existing projects and not starting new ones, which is good. I am almost done with the Fetchings I have been working on, and hope those are done tonight. I have about six-seven more rows and a thumb to knit. That's about an episode of Friends, I think. I even picked up the Morning Glory Wrap again. Well, I picked it up, realized it was all sorts of messed up, had no idea where I was, ripped the whole thing out (only about three inches) and started over. It's going much better now. There are post it notes involved this time.
Hmm, what else? Well, I ordered some more yarn to dye, and I don't know what happened, these somehow came in the box too:
Harmony needles! Hooray! I will be knitting with these babies soon!
And, finally, I just updated my etsy site with this: It's called Sunset Dreams. It makes me think about taking a vacation somewhere warm.
That's all for now. Have a good week. Hope it doesn't go by too fast! :)
Happy knitting!