Alright, so I have been a little absent from my blog. I heart my blog and have missed it. So, now I will give my blog some serious lovin' with a good long update!
And, here we go. . .
So a couple of weeks ago I was looking at yarn on the internet, as I like to do, and found some Yarn Love on
The Loopy Ewe, and I just had to have it:

It's in the colorway Shipwreck. It just screams me so I really had no choice to buy it. And the fact that I knew in my head that if I placed said order I would become a Loopy Groupie definitely made the decision to buy the yarn so much easier. So, not only did I get some awesome Yarn Love, but I also got my Loopy Groupie package:

Um, there was additional yarn in there. It was the greatest day ever! And, as if all that Loopy Goodness was not good enough, there was also this in my mail on the same day:

What!? Roving!?!? Um, so yeah, I want to learn to spin. I have no idea who to do it, but now I have a drop spindle, the book Spin to Knit and some roving. The roving came from
Froggy Fibers. She has good stuff. Go, look, buy! Anyway, I made a couple tries at the spinning thing, and it resulted in much cursing and shaking of fists. Alex reminded me that it took me three weeks to learn how to do the purl stitch, and that maybe it is just going to take some time. He is right. Currently, I am far too busy to pick it back up, but hopefully soon.
Busy with what, you say? Oh this:
A giant pyramid of Knitting Like Crazy yarn! This was my order for Strands of Heaven. It's an exclusive colorway called December Nights. You want some, don't you? :) It was a very exciting day to take it there and see some of my other yarn in their shop in the cute little baskets. I highly recommend taking your business there if you are in the area and looking for yarn. It's one of the cutest LYSs I have seen and they are so so nice. Good stuff.
In addition to all the yarn dyeing there has also been some knitting. How I had time to knit this, I have no clue:
It's the Baby Pinwheel Blanket! I had seen Lisa knit one awhile ago, and I wanted to knit one too. It's for my college roommate, who is pregnant with her first child.
The specs:
Pattern: Baby Pinwheel Blanket (it's free!)
The yarn: Lily's Sugar'n Cream and Lion Brand Cotton (mostly from the stash, I had to go and get two more balls to finish it)
The needle: Size 8 Circular
The result: Um, if all my friends could get pregnant so I could knit more of these it would be fine with me. :)
Then yesterday, while at Strands, Becky and Lisa were playing around with some new yarn, and I don't know what happened, suddenly the wallet was out and before I knew it I was knitting this:
This yarn is called Tango and it's from Universal Yarn. You just knit into the edge of it and it makes these cool ruffles. I mean, I know a lot of people are over novelty yarn, but this is no fun fur. This stuff is too cool. I am making a very skinny scarf with it. It's more for accessorizing than to keep warm. And, obviously, I am going to look very awesome wearing it. :)
Ok, so now onto the Knitting Like Crazy goodness. First, I just put some new yarn up on my etsy site:
It's called Caribbean Honeymoon. You can see more pictures here.
And now for the big Knitting Like Crazy announcement:
Oh, yeah, I am hopping on the sock yarn club bandwagon and starting one too! The club is for four month and will ship in January, March, May, and July 2008. The cost (including shipping) is $135. You can read more details here.
Alright, that's all I have for now (my goodness, what else could be left!?). This week is going to be another busy one. My brother, Mike, is visiting from Iowa so I am going to see him and there will be the preparing for the 3rd Annual Halloween Party in my apartment. The costumes have been purchased, the lists are being made, now we just need some decorations and food and drinks and what not. Maybe I will be able to crank out a small amount of knitting in between all the craziness.
Well, if you are still reading, I am quite impressed! :) Happy knitting!