

Stop it. You're making me hungry!

Well, I should start by saying thanks for all the wonderful comments about Soleil! I like it when people think I did good n' stuff.

Hmm, I did get my sock mojo back a little bit last night. I went to Knit Night at Fringe and once again had a super time. Coupling sock #1 is done and I have started #2. That pair of socks might actually be done sometime next week. Hooray!

Anyway, I have some new yarn posted on my Etsy site, and I thought I would share it with you, my dear wonderful faithful readers. Here we have Mars Attacks!:This yarn is quite loud, but, you know, sometimes you need a nice loud pair of socks. I have one skein available. You can see more pictures here.

And, then, back by popular demand (well, no one really demanded it, people just seemed like they really liked it, and who can blame them because it is super awesome, but I digress) is Cherry Garcia:It didn't quite come out the same as the last time, but that is the joy of hand dyed yarn. I still really really like it. And, I still think it looks like Cherry Garcia ice cream! I have two skeins of this stuff. You can see more pictures here.

That Cherry Garcia is making me want ice cream for dinner. Is that bad? :)

And, finally, because I was tagged by Carrie Penny I have this:

The Name Tag

You have to list some things about yourself using each letter of your middle name.

L - Loyola is where I attended college.

Y - Yarn sniffer should be my middle name. :)

N - Never been out of the country (although there is a trip to Canada being planned for next year....yeah!)

N - Not going to quit knitting anytime soon.

Hmm, well I know I should tag some people, but Carrie Penny stole like half my list! :) So, if the mood strikes you, then I tag you! Yeah, you can call me lazy, it's ok!

Happy knitting!!