It's true. Today was a bad day of work. No, I did not spill raw sewage on myself. No chemicals in the eye either. Just your run of the mill, craptastic day. I plan to counteract the bad day with this:

A new sock! I am still working on Coupling (well, more looking at the Coupling sock) but I wanted to start a new sock. This sock is a slight modification of
my lacy socks I made awhile back. I want to write up the pattern to share but I wanted to knit them once more to see how I feel about them. I still love them! Oh, and the yarn is my very own Knitting Like Crazy yarn. :) Dyed just for me, by me. I love it too! Anyway, I made a deal with myself that if I finished Soleil, I could start a new sock. So, I know what you are thinking, where are the FO pictures of Soleil? Well, I have to block her tonight and then you can see. Hopefully Thursday. Besides, I don't want to wear Soleil right now, I just want to wear this:

I saw this t-shirt on Cafe Press a couple months ago and begged and pleaded with Alex until he finally broke down and bought it for me (nothing like forcing boys to buy you cool presents). I am sure you all want one too, the link is
here. I wore it out yesterday. I think some people may have been looking at me funny, but I don't care. :)
Hmm, what else? I reorganized the
Knitting Like Crazy yarn this weekend:
And then I made some new labels for my yarn:
And then I put some more yarn on etsy:
This one is called Midnight Garden. I think it is more purple than blue and I just love it. A very nice yarn. Good stuff. Yes, yes, I am trying to tempt you with my yarns.* Is it working? ;)
Tonight the plan is to block Soleil, knit a sock, and perhaps drink one Miller Lite. Sounds like good plan when trying to turn a bad day around.
Happy Knitting!
*I am shipping to Canada now, so, you know, if you are in Canada and want some yarn, I can give you the sweet hook up. :) Just check out my etsy site for details.