

This one time, there wasn't yarn everywhere. . . .

Things have continued to be busy here at Knitting Like Crazy. It is still a yarn factory in here. I like it. It's kind of fun. I did do some dyeing the other night and here is some of what I did:

The two on the right are already listed on my Etsy shop. The other two will be going up this week sometime. The one on the right is called Mountain Stream and the one second from the right is called Open Waters (I have two skeins of this one). The other two are not named yet. Although I think the one second from the left looks like a pair of knock-off Umbro soccer shorts I had in my youth. Ah, the 80s...they were awesome with the Umbros and what not! :)

My last post I made a list of knitting I would like to complete in the near future. I have decided to add this to the list as well: It's the sock I attempted to design a long time ago. I have one sock done and some ribbing on the second sock. I wrote pretty good notes on this, so I would like to try to finish it. So, I think it might have to go in the knitting bag on the trip with the family next week!

Work this week may be crazy again. I have the whole week after that off, so much must be accomplished in the next five days. Hopefully there will be time for knitting during lunch.

Well, that's all I have. I am trying to pull knitting projects out of thin air in order to have some content for the blog. Someday. Someday I will have FOs to show off. :)

Happy knitting, people!