Well, I safely returned this afternoon from the
Wisconsin Dells vacation. It was a very good time. There were Duck rides and jet skiing and grilling and a quest for yarn. You know, all things that I like to have happen on a vacation. I did not get much knitting done. Soleil is coming along ok, but no socks were knit on this trip. I had this awesome plan of even starting a new pair of socks, but seeing that the current ones are not done yet, sadly
Coupling will have to wait a week or two. :(
Anyway, onto the yarn! Of course, before I left to go on vacation I did a little knitty research. I had a yarn shop in mind, No Barn Yarns, which was in Reedsburg, WI. It was not that far from the Dells, and my mom said she would take a trip out there with me. Even though the number for the shop was disconnected, I did not let that stop me for my quest for yarn. Here is what we found:
Yeah, so the yarn store closed and now it's an antique store. The nice lady inside said the lady that owned the LYS closed not that long ago. My mom and I are not the shop for antiques people, but we looked around anyway. My yarn sensor was going off inside the store. At first I thought it was the fact that the LYS had recently closed and there was still some residual yarn left inside. But, then wait a second....could it be the crocheted blankets in the corner? Um, no. . . .
It was yarn! Yarn in the antique store. That's right baby, the knitting sensor was right on! They had two large skeins and one small skein of this stuff, so I snatched one of the large ones up. The perfect souvenir yarn! It's wool and mohair goat. The goat hair is dyed with pink Kool Aid. The label even says it came from Sammy Sheep and Sue the Goat. We are talking some nice hand spun and dyed yarn here! It comes from Linda Schnor of Angora Pockets. I think she is in Wisconsin, based on the label. Anyway, it was super awesome. My mom was quite impressed with my ability to find yarn at an antique store. The owner of the shop was excited to have a yarn sale. A good day for all involved.
And now, onto what was waiting for me in the mail when I got home:
It's a circular knitting needle holder from Granny's Closet. She sells on Etsy. This is a very nice case and not that expensive. You know you need one! :) Right after I took these pictures, I put my needles in there--a perfect fit! There is lots of good stuff in that store. Want more. . . .must . . . .fight. . . .the. . . .urge!
Ok, and what would be a post on the Knitting Like Crazy blog without a plug for the Etsy shop? I am now offering free shipping through Sunday, June 24th. I will still ship via Priority Mail. I am hoping it will encourage people to buy some yarn. And, I think it is working because I already had a big sale this afternoon. Thanks Amanda! And now I even have business cards, so I am feeling all excited and happy and professional today! :)
Okay, well I have off of work for the rest of the week. I am hoping that I can get some knitting done in between the cleaning of the apartment and listening to the new Bon Jovi cd over and over again.
Happy knitting and happy yarn shopping! :)