Ok, so onto the goodies. . . .
The birthday weekend started out on Friday with the following from my Secret Pal:
On Saturday, Alex gave me more goodies, which included two books about dyeing yarn, a generous gift certificate to Blue Moon Fiber Arts (which was then promptly spent) and this:
Overall, I would have to say that it was an awesome birthday. I am one lucky lady to have so many great people around me who understand the knitting obssession.
And, now onto, um, more yarn. Today I finished winding and labeling the yarn I have already dyed. Some pictures for you:
Finally, I was tagged my Carrie Penny for seven random facts. So here we go:
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged need to write on their own blog those 7 facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.
1. I like all things to be in even numbers, whenever possible. The volume on the stereo in my car must be on an even number at all times. M&Ms must be eaten in even numbers. Things like that.
2. I currently working at "my dream job." Yes, my dream job is working in a lab that tests water for waste treatment plants (yes, that means raw sewage, although I must point out that not all the water we test is that dirty, we do streams and drinking water too). My favorite part of the job? When I get to take a bucket and go throw it in a river. That, my friends, is awesome.
3. My silver Toyota Camry is named Pearl.
4. Before I started knitting socks, I would buy the crazy pattern socks from Target and Kohls. and then I would never wear a matching pair. One foot would have a Care Bear sock, the other would have some kind of argyle pattern, and so on. Used to drive my mom crazy.
5. I once took an upper-level theology class while at Loyola, as an attempt to meet cute, nice Catholic boys. This back-fired when it turned out they were all studying to be priests.
6. My favorite book is A Separate Peace by John Knowles. I had to read in my sophomore year of high school. I think I have read it about seven or eight times since then.
As I like things in even numbers, unfortunately, you are getting only six random facts. :)
Ok, I a now tagging the following people:
The last three are non-knitters, but maybe they will do it anyway! :)
Ok, that's all for now. Happy knitting everyone!