

Stash Enhancement Courtesy of Uncle Sam

First off, this post is super picture happy!

Alright, so I went to The Fold today in Marengo. I had the day off since I went to the Snow Patrol concert last night. I can't stay up until one thirty in the morning, and then go to work at 7am--I just don't work like that. Thank goodness for the floating holiday! Anyway, I drove out there and I have to say it was quite the journey for me and the Kool-Aid sock.

Here is me and the Kool-Aid sock 5.5 miles from the exit and suddenly stuck in a sh*t ton of traffic. Thank goodness the Kool-Aid sock was there to keep me company. Kool-Aid sock enjoyed her journey out in the country. . . .
. . . .but Kool-Aid sock was starting to get a little angry when after an hour and ten minutes she passed this sign:
For those of you who do not like math, that's an hour an ten minutes to go three and a half miles. That is a bunch of crap. The traffic eventually started moving right before the exit and we were off the expressway and enjoyed some time driving through the fine Illinois countryside.

Finally, after almost two hours, we were there! Hooray!
The Fold is most excellent. I highly recommend that if you live in the Chicago area or you ever come to the area you make a trip out there if possible. I was in absolute heaven. Everyone was so nice! And, it's like Blue Moon Fiber Arts land out there. After much petting and sniffing of yarn (that does sound gross, but when at a yarn shop it must be done), there was a great deal of stash enhancement!

Here we have a couple balls of Universal Yarn Inc. Yarn. I don't knowwhat I am going to do with this; it may become hats and mittens someday. These are totally the kind of colors I love, so I am excited about this!
Then there is a skein of Mountain Colors Bearfoot in Yellowstone. I have been wanting this colorway for awhile. I went to Yellowstone a couple years ago on the greatest road trip ever taken and I loved it out there. And this yarn really does remind me of that place. So I had to have it.
Then I wanted to get some sock yarn that I have not knit with before. Gotta keep things interesting. So this is Gypsy Girl Creations in Watermelon Tourmaline. The yarn is very much like STR, so I think it will knit up very nice.
Finally, there is the STR. I wanted to buy one of everything, but I had to make some attempt to control myself. So I have three skeins in mediumweight. We have Harlotty on the left, Nodding Violet in the middle, and Henpecked on the right. All colors I have been wanting!
So I got home, took a little nap (all that yarn shopping wears a girl out), and then sat on the couch and started knitting.
It's my Gypsy Girl yarn. I now have an unprecedented three different socks that are being worked on. Not my usual style, but I know two pairs will be done in the next week or so. I mean, when you get new yarn you have to start something immediately, right? I think it's a rule! I am going to try toe-up again. We will see. I figure the only way I am going to be successful in toe-up sock knitting is to keep trying until I get it right.
Tomorrow, Kool-Aid sock and I will be joining the G-Town crew for some baseball goodness in Milwaukee. There may be sock knitting while tailgating at 9am tomorrow. I mean sock knitting, pancakes, beer and the Cubs kicking the crap out of the Brewers. That's a good combination!
Good night!