

Secret Goodness and Adventures in Baseball

This afternoon I had an email from my Secret Pal. It said something like, "Hey I mailed your box this weekend it will probably be there tomorrow." So how excited was I when I got home from work today and there was a box in front of the apartment door? Oh, very excited, my friends. Here is what was inside!

Oh that's two balls of sock yarn, some candles with a nice candle holder, Henna Tattoos, peanut M&M's (my favorite candy) and Sensational Knitted Socks! A wonderful package!!! Thanks Secret Pal!!!

Saturday there was much craziness at the Cubs vs. Brewers game in Milwaukee. Kool-Aid sock did make an appearance. Here she is enjoying some baseball and a Miller Lite: Now some people around me were interested in my knitting. The guy behind me (who was in ski gear complete with goggles) asked if they were mittens for him. He put my sock on his hand and said that it was looking good so far. Kool-Aid sock felt a little abused, but she knew it was all in good fun. The guys in front of me wanted to know if it was some kind of testicle cozy/warmer. They had had many beers.

And, finally, what do we have here:
Well, look at that! It is a toe-up sock with a mostly ok-looking heel. That heel was made at 3:15am Sunday morning. I guess all problems I encounter in knitting I should just stay up late and they will all be worked out! I think a couple more tries and I will have this toe-up thing down!

Ok, I now must go make some chicken salad. This was not the dinner plan until my coworker started talking about the delicious chicken salad she made and I became jealous (this happens to me a lot--this jealousy thing). My bad day has definitely improved. First, Secret Pal package and then chicken salad. I am a happy camper!