

I Am Riding the Yarn Harlot High

Well, this evening was the Stephanie Pearl McPhee appearance at the Oak Brook Borders. Um, it was awesome. My evening started out with coming home from work, changing into my favorite handknit socks* (the Lucy Jaywalkers) and heading off with my sister to Oak Brook. We got down there very early (before 5) so we went to dinner and then headed to Borders. Melissa was not quite excited as I was, but at last we were there. And we waited. And waited (I mean, we did get there an hour and a half before the thing started). I knit and looked longingly at other peoples yarn. The lady in front of me was knitting her Rockin' Sock Club Sock from BMFA, and I was quite jealous. But I had the Kool-Aid sock to keep me happy.

Here is a picture of the large crowd before the event. This is not even all the people that were there. Here is my sister pretending to be excited about being at a knitting event. She did not bring any knitting, but I had shoved some needles and some dishcloth cotton in my bag before we left because I didn't want her to feel left out. Note the garter stitch goodness. Someday, yes someday, I will make this girl a sock knitter.
After everyone went around and did a show and tell of their knitting (which was most excellent, by the way), the Yarn Harlot came out and took pictures of the crowd with the Travelling Sock: Got to love all the knitters/bloggers taking pictures of the Yarn Harlot taking pictures of them. After a very nice talk about knitting that had me laughing quite hard, it was time to wait in line to get our books signed. While in line, my Kool-Aid sock did a little perusing of the DVDs:
Then, I met her!

Oh yes, I touched the Travelling Sock, people. It was awesome. And, when my sister made mention of my blog, Stephanie asked what my blog was and when I told her she said she knew it. She's like, oh yeah, you leave comments on my blog. I have to say that may have made my week! :) My sister ended up having a lovely time, and while she did not quite understand my excitement (I think I caught an eye roll), she does accept it.

So, that's all. It's past my bedtime, and I am not even a little bit tired. I am totally on a Yarn Harlot high right now!

* Please Note: I did have other clothing on besides the handknit socks!