Happy New Year to all of my knitting blog fans (that being all four of you)!!
Well, I am on my last day off from work. I am sad that I must return to work tomorrow, but, alas, it is what must be done. At least it will be a very short week!
On the knitting front, there has been much going on. First of all....recognize this? Oh yeah, it might be the Trekking Socks. I pick

ed them up over the weekend, decided that I did not like where they were going, so I threw them in the frog pond. I like the yarn, and the pattern was ok, but I think I was just not satisfied with them up close. I am not one to rip anything out when knitting, but it has to be done. It felt kind of good. I will have a second go with them sometime soon, I think. With the death of one pair of socks, comes the birth of another....or something like that. . . .
I have been knitting like crazy on my
Socks That Rock socks. I am using the
Broadripple pattern. I have used this pattern be

fore, and I really like it. I have the pattern pretty much memorized too, so it makes for quick work. At first I was not sure if I liked the way the colors were coming out on the sock, but then I realized it was awesome....one might even say whimsical. So, sock number two is on the needles. I am thinking it will be done in the next 1.5 days!
Hmm, so other than these socks, there are a few things in the works in Jen's Knitty World. My brother Matt got me a Michael's gift card for Christmas so I took a trip there over the weekend. I bought some Patons wool yarn (and some scrapbooking supplies, but I digress). I have never felted anything, and I would like to give it a try. The yarn from Michael's is the right way to go here, because if it does not turn out at least I didn't spend a lot of money on the yarn. So, I knit a swatch and in my bedroom it sits. I plan to go to my sister's this week and throw it in her washer. I really don't want to be popping quarters into the washing machine in my apartment complex for the purpose of felting, so I must go where it is free. So, the plan is to knit a bag and then felt it. We'll see how it goes. And, of course, even though I said 2007 was knitting for me, yesterday I started work on something for someone else. But it is something very small and will be done today. I can't really say what it is. It might involve a special request for a watermelon themed kitchen...I'm just saying. I love that I could not go even one day without starting on something for someone else. Oh well. That's what promises like that to yourself are for....to break them.
Finally, here is

a picture from my New Years Eve adventure. I went to
Howl At The Moon in Chicago. We took a limo from our apartment down there. It was a very good time. I wish I would have had about four less drinks, but when you pay to have open bar, you have to do what you have to do. This picture, from left to right, is Alex, me, Adam, and Amy. We do not know the guy in the background. He was sitting at the table next to us. He spent his evening trying to get in all of our pictures. Whatever makes you happy I guess!
Alright, now it's off to do some cleaning and then off to visit my dear friend, Kimi. I tried to teach Kimi to knit once. It did not go that well. :)