

So Many Clothes.

I have finished some American Girl Doll clothes over the last couple of days. This hot red and blue number I got out of one of my Creative Knitting magazines (July 2006). I made the sweater more of a cardigan because I figured that would make it easier for a four and a half year old to get it on her expensive doll. I knit it up in just a couple of days and I am pleased with it.

I also knit a couple other outfits. These patterns I found on the internet for free. The little halter dress I changed the stitches up morstly beacuse I was kind of bored with the pattern and I had just seen on Knitty Gritty a pattern with butterfly stitch and I wanted to try it. So, I threw it in the middle of the dress. It's a little weird, probably would look way better if the whole dress was that stitch rather than just a few rows, but I don't think the American Girl Doll will complain.

I kind of wish that I had an American Girl Doll or some doll of the 18-inch variety to ensure that they will fit. I am a little crazy when it comes to that kind of thing....always so worried about the fit factor. Again, I don't think the American Girl Doll will complain if her dress is a little big. :) So, there you have it. The American Girl Doll dress collection. I think that Lily will be happy with her new doll clothes. I know I am happy with her new doll clothes. Small, quick can't beat it. The knitting for the week is as follows:

1) Socks! I really am in the mood for some sock knitting. I have not knit a pair in a long time. Pictures soon!
b) Vest! Lily's brother, Peter, is patiently waiting a knitted vest. He asked me to knit him something long ago and this Christmas he will finally get something. So, he is getting a vest. We talked about it. He likes the idea. He wants an army man or knight knitted on the front and I had to tell him I don't do that kind of thing. He is getting your plain, run of the mill, cable vest. I know he will like it. The yarn for that came in the mail today so I will be starting on that tonight or tomorrow.

And, back to knitting. . . . (and watching bad MTV). Who said that?